Web Services

Corel Painter is a digital art application that is based upon raster-graphics. And, you can simulate the feel and appearance of any traditional media in this ...


Canva is a graphic design tool that is used for editing photos. And, it is online software that can be accessed through the web. Although, the application is ...


Pixelmator is a graphic editor that is used to edit photos by using layers. And, this software is available on Mac OS and iOS devices. So, you can also ...


GIMP is an abbreviation of the GNU Image Manipulation Program. This software is an open-source and free raster graphics software. And, the first initial ...


OpenGL is an acronym of the Open Graphics Library. It serves as an application programming interface (API). Through this, you can easily render 3D as well as ...


Vulkan is a software that offers services as well as features of 3D Graphics and Computing API. It is efficient in handling high-performance 3D graphics. It ...


WebGL is a utility tool that is made up of Javascript API. It is specifically designed to render 3D as well as 2D graphics. It was first released in the year ...


IBM Bluemix is a cloud computing services platform where users can use these services. It was launched back in 2014. Also, it was rebranded in 2017 as IBM ...


Google Cloud Platform is a place where users can get cloud computing services. As it is clear from the name, this platform is developed and owned by Google. ...


Alibaba Cloud is a cloud computing platform with its services all over the world. This platform was founded and launched back in 2009. Also, the parent ...


Oracle Cloud is a cloud computing platform that provides various cloud services to users. This platform is owned and developed by Oracle Corporation. There is ...


Microsoft Azure is a platform where users can get all types of cloud computing services. This platform is developed and owned by Microsoft. Also,  it was ...

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