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AdBlock – Download & Review

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AdBlock is a browser extension that allows you to block any type of advertisement and filter content over the internet. And, it is one of the most popular extension in terms of blocking ads. With that, it was released in the year 2009. The main feature of this extension is that it will block the display of that portion of a particular web page where advertisements are being displayed. Moreover, it is a free extension. So, you can download and install it in your browser without any cost. Also, it provides support to browsers like:

Other than the above, it offers you applications for android and ios devices. You can get these apps for free from their respective application stores for free. In this way, you will be able to block advertisements from your smartphone. And, it can block any type of ads like pop-up, banner, and much more.

Furthermore, AdBlock also has a feature that can increase the speed of the internet. It will optimize. So, you can easily have a faster internet experience. Also, it provides protection to your privacy. Because it will block any type of cookie storage. In this way, you can save yourself from being targeted by the advertisers. It allows you to whitelist some of your websites whose advertisements you want to see. This extension has support to 51 different languages across the globe.

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AdBlock is a browser extension that allows you to block any type of advertisement and filter content over the internet. And, it is one of the most popular ...



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